#digital products

#digital products



Exploring and defining the differentiators of a new and transformative bank with a contemporary, customer-centric approach.

Exploring and defining the differentiators of a new and transformative bank with a contemporary, customer-centric approach.

What we did

What we did

  • We identify Talents with Specific Expertise.

  • We assess Technical and Cultural Skills.

  • We carry out an Agile Recruitment Process.

  • We facilitate Onboarding and Talent Integration.

  • We maintain Ongoing Performance Monitoring.



Banco digital com benefícios flexíveis


Banco Mais Centrado no Cliente - The Global Economics Awards 2021


Benefícios diferentes à escolha dos clientes



BTG Pactual, already consolidated in the financial market, was facing the challenge of developing its retail bank. Although they had a team dedicated to traditional functionalities, they realized that they needed something more to stand out in a saturated market: a customer-centric difference.

Turning Point

Turning Point

In order to find this unique value proposition, weme formed an "exploration squad". Understanding that the true differential lies not only in the features, but in the entire experience provided to the customer, we focus on capturing valuable insights directly from the executives and leadership of the bank. Through a continuous process of experimentation, research, and validation, the ideas have transformed into innovative solutions, prepared to meet and surprise the modern customer.



The collaboration with Banco BTG has resulted in the implementation of remarkable solutions, such as credit cards with flexible benefits and innovative donation solutions. The success of these implementations has solidified BTG's position as one of the most prominent digital banks in Brazil, clearly indicating that, with a customer-centered value proposition, BTG is shaping the future of retail banking in the country.

How did Ultragaz accelerate with weme's solutions?

Memorable Experiences for the Customer

We made the customer journey memorable, from design to usability, driving business growth with a focus on the user.

Transformative Digital Products and Services

We developed innovative digital products and services, from concept to implementation, driving customer innovation and excellence.